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18 Natural Remedies for Hyperhidrosis - Treatments to try at home

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from hyperhidrosis, you know how difficult it can be to find effective treatments. There are a number of prescription and...

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from hyperhidrosis, you know how difficult it can be to find effective treatments. There are a number of prescription and over-the-counter antiperspirants available, but they don't work for everyone. And while there are some surgical options for treating hyperhidrosis, they're usually expensive and come with a risk of side effects.

Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that can help reduce excessive sweating. These natural solutions may not work for everyone, but they're worth a try if you're looking for an alternative to conventional treatments.

Continue reading to learn more about the best natural remedies for hyperhidrosis that can help keep you dry. We've covered everything from simple life hacks to real home remedies. 

Natural Remedies for Hyperhidrosis

Finding effective home remedies for hyperhidrosis and its symptoms takes time and patience. Using natural hyperhidrosis solutions may be an effective, affordable and safe way to treat and manage excessive sweating.

Before trying one, we recommend talking with your doctor about any potential contraindications. Especially if you're taking medication for hyperhidrosis or possibly another medical condition.

Monitor Your Triggers

This involves identifying what activities, foods, or other external stimuli often cause you to sweat excessively. The easiest way to do this is to start a daily sweat diary so you can eventually spot trends and figure out what triggers your sweat glands. We recommend tracking your eating habits, emotions, physical activity, and any medications you may be taking. Once you have a common understanding, you can try to avoid potential causes of sweating and monitor the results.

1. Avoid or Limit Caffeine & Alcohol

Another natural remedy for excessive sweating is to limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine altogether. Alcohol and caffeine both cause an increased heart rate and wider blood vessels. These changes lead to more sweating. Caffeine causes the same effects as alcohol and it stimulates the nervous system, which means more sweat.

Alcohol and caffeine both cause an increased heart rate and wider blood vessels. These changes lead to more sweating.

2. Wear 'No Sweat Clothing™' Clothes

Our clothes are specifically designed to prevent any sweat marks, stains and odour, and features a micro-perforated inner layer that diffuses moisture efficiently. The hydrophobic inner layer is also antibacterial, helping to reduce odour-causing bacteria.

With our product line, you can choose your favourite sweat proof undershirtst-shirts, & polo shirts (short and long sleeves). All of them all over 100% sweat blocking, sweat wicking, odour free and stain repellent. 


3. Try Taking Schisandra

Schisandra is another little-known but effective hyperhidrosis herb. It is a dried fruit-based herbal remedy. Most frequently, it is used to treat episodes of sporadic and excessive night sweating, both of which are common in people with hyperhidrosis.

4. Go For a Stronger Antiperspirant

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If you're not using antiperspirant – or using one that could be stronger – one of the easiest home remedies to try is a stronger antiperspirant. 

Look for products containing the words ‘clinical strength’ for extra strong options. The science behind aluminum-based antiperspirants is that the ducts of the sweat glands are blocked while the astringent effect simultaneously closes the pores. This results in an effective excessive sweating treatment in many cases.

Make sure your antiperspirant is working to its full potential by applying it before bed rather than first thing in the morning. This gives the aluminum time to absorb into the skin and work its magic throughout the night.

5. Eat Potassium Rich Foods

Sodium helps regulate fluid levels in the body. When you consume too much sodium, your kidneys excrete more water. This causes your body to hold onto more water, making you feel bloated.

Foods like potatoes and bananas contains a lot of potassium, which helps flush excess water from the body. Rubbing a potato slice against your armpit area for a few minutes each day to get the drying effect.

6. Go For a Body Salt Scrub

We all know salt absorbs moisture – that’s why you occasionally encounter a solid salt-shaker if you live in a humid climate. You can take advantage of that property when it comes to managing sweat. The easiest way to use salt is by applying it to sweaty areas as soon as the sweating begins. The salt absorbs the sweat without residual odour.

For a more intense option, consider mixing salt and lemon juice to make a citrus scrub. Apply and wash it off in the shower or before bed each night.

7. Try Acupuncture for High Blood Pressure

In terms of balancing energy and calm the brain, acupuncture concentrates on specific body parts. The hypothalamus in the brain is specifically targeted by acupuncture, which reduces overall sweat production. Sweating is frequently believed to be a sign of internal discord, which is essentially what acupuncture aims to correct.

Usually, a specialized treatment program is created to cater to the unique needs of each patient. Acupuncture might be the all-natural treatment for hyperhidrosis you've been looking for if your excessive sweating is overwhelming.

8. Add Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar truly has it all, and one of its many benefits is that it can be used as a food to help with hyperhidrosis. Vinegar and apple cider vinegar both have numerous health benefits, including the ability to close pores and help with excessive sweating when applied to the skin. Drinking a vinegar cocktail on an empty stomach is one way to use this food to help hyperhidrosis. You can also use it directly on your skin.

Drink a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The drying effects should kick in within a few days or so.

9. Bring Your Cornstarch

Cornstarch is the first item on our list of natural ways to stop sweaty hands. This corn-derived powder is a good substitute to talcum powder, with the same absorbent properties. When dusted on sweaty hands, it absorbs moisture and keeps you dry. Carrying a travel-size container of cornstarch with you on the go can also be beneficial, providing a discreet and simple solution for those sweaty moments.

10. Go Wild With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil seems to cure just about every ailment these days — sweat and odor included. That's because the superfruit contains lauric acid, which kills sweat-causing bacteria due to its antimicrobial properties.

Here's how to use coconut oil to help with excess sweat and odor:

  • Combine 10 grams of crushed camphor and 1 cup of coconut oil.
  • Mix the ingredients together and apply the paste to your body
  • Leave it on your skin for 45 minutes to an hour
  • Rinse it off with water

You can also apply cold-pressed coconut oil to your skin after every shower or bath as you would a regular moisturizer. Do this regularly to decrease excessive sweating.

11. Apply Witch Hazel

You've likely haven't heard of witch hazel, but if you're looking for hyperhidrosis-relieving herbs, it's time you did. Witch hazel is a natural herb that acts as both an astringent and an antiperspirant. It basically dries out your skin and closes your pores to keep you from sweating. You can directly apply this herb for hyperhidrosis to the sweaty areas of your body or mix it with water to make a paste that you can leave on at least for 60 minutes before washing with water.

12. Adjust Your Diet

Did you know that some foods make you sweat (and some help reduce sweating, too)? If you’re consuming them, they could be contributing to your hyperhidrosis symptoms. Many people find making simple adjustments to their diets help relieve the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. Here are some suggestions:

  • Adopt a gluten-free diet.
  • Follow a diet low in carbohydrates.
  • Reduce sodium intake.
  • Daily drink 13 or more cups of water to stay hydrated and cool.
  • Eat foods that aid in digestion, including bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, grapefruit, leafy greens, olive oil and watermelon.
  • Take vitamin B supplements.
  • Drink wheatgrass juice.
  • Sip on chamomile tea to help reduce anxiety.
  • Drink a glass of water mixed with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach.

13. Drink Your Tee

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Green tea, in particular, contains a high amount magnesium and vitamin B, both of which are calming and constrict sweat glands. Green and black tea can help with both normal excessive sweating and stress-related sweating.

14. Take Valerian Root

One little known natural remedy for hyperhidrosis is eating valerian root. This root has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety. It can be very beneficial because it primarily addresses some of the additional or secondary factors that cause of hyperhidrosis or episodes of excessive sweating.

15. Manage Stress

Our bodies accurately represent our mental states. When we're stressed out, our bodies enter fight-or-flight response. Our hearts beat faster, our skin gets hot, and our sweat glands open up. We may feel anxious or even nauseous. To avoid excessive sweating because of stress, try to avoid stressing situations whenever possible. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation help us stay calm.

16. Simple Lifestyle Changes

Simple lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce the chance for odour-causing bacteria and bad smell. 

Here are a few suggestions to win the day:

  • Daily showers: Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments like our armpits. When we're sweaty, those bacteria multiply quickly.
  • Air dry: When we get dressed, we may end up smelling worse than when we were sweating. To avoid this, wait at least an hour after showering to put on clothes.

And if you're wearing perfume, spray it onto your wrists instead of your armpits.

17. Choose Breathable Materials

Pick breathable materials, such as cotton and linen. And look for clothing that wicks away moisture. Such clothes make it easy for air to pass through them. This keeps you cool by accelerating sweat evaporation.

18. Wear Sweat Proof Clothing

Our clothing are especially made for people suffering from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis

Always leaving your friends hanging for a high-five? We all know how uncomfortable sweat stains can be. With our product line, you can choose your favorite sweat proof undershirts, t-shirts, & polo shirts (short and long sleeves). All of them all over 100% sweat blocking, sweat wicking, odour free and stain repellent. 

Finding effective home remedies for hyperhidrosis and its symptoms can take a lot of time and patience. Using natural anti-hyperhidrosis solutions can be an effective, affordable, and safe way to treat and control excessive sweating… and the first step to getting back to feeling normal.


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